Friday, September 18, 2009

Dakar, Senegal when I first arrived

This is video from the first morning I arrived in Senegal! One is from a bit later. They are rooftop scenes which I liked a lot. There's sadly no sound because I forgot my video editting software in the US. Anyways you can listen with your imagination. So think bird chirpping and calls to prayer and random phrases in Wolof, which since you don't speak it, sound exacly as they sounded to me!


  1. Okay Dakar is not an island it's a penninsula, translational difficulties! Plus I didn't realize you could hear the sound, because I can't on my machine, so uh, forgive whatever strangeness I say. Also the island I said was Gore, is actually Ngor, or something like that...

  2. Mom and Dad projected your movie clips onto the LCD projector and we watched your movie clips on the wall! Very nice. We definately could hear the birds chirping and you and Amadou talking about the city. We enjoyed the opportunity to see Senegal, Africa through your lens. More movie clips, more, more, more!

  3. lol! Okay I'll get some more. I'm going to go for short ones thoug because if hey are any length they take forever to load. Thanks for watching my videos Mom and Dad!

  4. Thanks for the video. The house you were in reminded me of our house in Nigeria, having to climb upstairs to get to the main floor and especially the circular patterns in the wall.

  5. CJ, I now have a Blackberry that alearts me to any email. So if you are on and want to chat just email me and I might be able to join you. Email me at

    Lv Dad.

  6. CJ: I'm a friend of your Dad's (and Mom )in Seattle. Just found out about your site last night. I'm enjoying your film clips and hope to get more into your other entries. Great use of the house's repetitive "porthole" architecture to view the surrounding city. You are really high on the "perch" up there. Barry Howard

  7. Wow, beautiful clips...I can only imagine what it looks like for real!!! I agree with your mom n dad. More!!


